Tonight I’m ‘accidentally’ watching an inspiring program on Metro Tv, called “It’s Your Time”. In this debut program, They talked about how to motivate your self…
Rene Suhardono was the first motivator, He speaks about how important to realize about PASSION in our life. Much of us doesn’t care about PASSION in life, all we know is how important to finished school, search any job with a big amount of money, and trying to survive in this life (mostly because that’s how our parents taught us). He (Rene) said that we all have purpose in this life, but usually it swapped with the word ‘target’. He explained that purpose is what we live for, and target is what we want to reach in a period of time, for example, 'I want to make billions dollar in my bank before I reach 40' that’s a target; but if you want to be a great singer in the world, that’s a purpose.
So, a carrier is not just talking about how much money you can make in a year, 10 years, or more. It’s all about the purpose of being your self. God created us for a reason. For the simple way to know what your passion is, just hear to your heart, and believe that we all created with a purpose from God, and find that in your life journey.
Well, for me, it’s seems going to take a long road to get to know a passion in life, you have to be patient and listen to your heart. Your life will bring you to your purpose in life, and what’s makes you passionate to do, that is your passion. You will never get bored to do it, you will missed it if not doing it, and you willing to give all your time to get good at it. Try different things in your life, find a new thing to discover, make a lot of mistake so you could find how to do the right one, and be the best in every things you do in this life, as if you do it for GOD.
The second motivator was Rudy Lim, a 28th years old man who eager to be a success person from his early age. His parents weren’t from the rich family, and he said that he always get everythings in bad quality because he couldn’t afford it. So, he started to dreamed to be a rich successful person and picture it in his mind, he focused on that, and he gets what he dreamed on. “It’s the power of dream” He said. He explained that most of people just stay the same without any momentum in life, but only few people could be a success person in a short period of time. He give an example to muse, imagine if you taking a taxi to reach a destination, you should to let the driver know where you will go, isn’t it? If the passenger don’t know where to go, than the taxi driver will concern about that, and they will just going around. That’s how the power of dream will work, you have to know your destination first, than focused on that, and reach your dream.
The third motivator was Romy Rafael, well known as a hypnotherapist. He tells the audients that he already know about his passion since he was in junior high school. After he graduated his senior high, he learn about hypnotism in USA, and begin to bring the positive influence of it in Indonesia. He said that all the other motivator is already saying about the system to be a better successful person in your self. That system is all true, but it won’t be happened if they don’t have the faith. Every thing is in your head. When you think you can do it, you will. What you think in your head becomes your character and habit, and it becomes what you say. If you always say you cant do this, or that, you will never can. There are Peoples who could healed cancer from the way they think, they believe it. Other example is a PRAY. Romy said that when a person started to pray, they are focused on something, they set their self and mind to believe what they pray for, and God give it to them. And as usual, he do the hypnotize things in the end of the show, and it works. All just because what the audience said.
From now on, start to set your purpose in life, and dare your self to dream BIG and focus on it, then believe it, and say it out loud.
Lets have a maximum better happy life.